Home Repairs and Modifications
Interested in making sensory-friendly modifications to your home environment? Whether considering installing hardwood floors or windows, adding a room, raising or removing shelves and other barriers, soundproofing, designating spaces with visual cues, or pursuing other safety measures, enhancing an individual’s physical environment can improve behavior, foster independence, and ease control and relaxation.
Offers swings, ziplines, sand boxes, play structures, and more.
- (804) 212-6639
- [email protected]
- https://portal.truetimber.net/
- Richmond
Offers interior designing for autism and sensory integration disorders.
- (316) 303-7410
- https://www.roaninteriors.com/pages/design-for-autism
- Richmond and surrounding areas
Affiliate of a national nonprofit offering home repairs; must meet eligibility requirements.
- (804) 447-3841
- https://rtrva.org/our-story
- Richmond, Hopewell, Chesterfield
Offers stairlifts, vertical platform lifts, ceiling and patient lifts, and modular ramps for installation.
- (804) 220-0611 (Richmond)
- https://home.mobilityworks.com/
- Richmond, Norfolk, coming soon to Alexandria
- 1-800-882-4045
- https://www.experia-usa.com/free-sensory-room-design/
Didn’t find what you were looking for? Still have questions? Please reach out to us via email or by calling 804.259.3188.