Gluten-Free Bakeries & Eateries
While some autistic individuals may benefit from a gluten and casein-free diet and report increased well-being, including improved gastrointestinal symptoms, research on the diet remains limited and inconclusive and can thus not be recommended for all autistic individuals. Please consult your physician before making any changes in diet, especially if currently adhering to a limited diet.
Anna B’s Gluten Free Bakery
- 804-822-0656
- http://annabglutenfree.com/
- Mechanicsville
WPA Bakery
- 804-477-6449
- https://wpasouthside.com/menu
- Richmond
7 Muffins a Day (GF, WF, DF)
- 804-822-0656
- https://www.7muffinsaday.com/
- Location
Pearl’s Bake Shoppe
- 804-285-2253
- https://pearlsbakeshoppe.com/
- Richmond
Carytown Cupcakes
- 804-355-2253
- https://www.carytowncupcakes.com/
- Richmond
521 Biscuits & Waffles
- 804-482-8924
- https://521rva.com/
- Richmond
Tio Pablo Taqueria
- 804-643-4828
- https://www.tiopablotacos.com/
- Richmond
Burtons Grill & Bar
- 804-215-7213 (Richmond)
- https://burtonsgrill.com/menus/richmond-va
- Richmond, Alexandria, Charlottesville, Sterling
Mellow Mushroom
- 804-370-8210 (Richmond)
- https://www.mellowmushroom.com/menu/44010?dietaryFilters=glutenfree
- Richmond, Midlothian, Henrico
Nile Kitchen
- 804-648-0791
- https://www.thenilekitchen.com/
- Richmond
Didn’t find what you were looking for? Still have questions? Please reach out to us via email or by calling 804.259.3188.